Maxine Nwaneri
I’m a graduate of the University of Cambridge with decades of business experience, a #1 Amazon International Bestselling Author, and a highly acclaimed international speaker, business consultant, and certified executive coach here at
The Future is Greater.
But that’s only a part of my story.
I was born in Nigeria and when I was 11 years old, I moved to London with my family so we could build a better life and have greater opportunities. My family looked great on the outside, ticking all the right boxes, but those years of transition were incredibly challenging for me.
Being an introvert at heart, I didn’t know how to communicate my feelings effectively then, and so I just ‘bottled it up’ and got on with it. But I could only act this part for so long. At the end of secondary school, I was tired of playing the good girl role - so I created my own version of ‘freedom’ and I went the other way. COMPLETELY!
My family looked great on the outside, ticking all the right boxes, but those years of transition were incredibly challenging for me. I was the classic good girl and studied hard, ‘obeyed all the rules’, and even had plans to become a doctor (which would have pleased my family no end). But I could only act this part for so long.
At 17 years old, after a string of bad decisions – failing school, dating the wrong guy, hanging with the wrong crowd and getting involved with drugs, I left my family home. And for many months I was homeless. I couldn’t keep a real job, let alone a permanent address.
My real wake-up call came when: I was down to my last few pounds and couldn’t even keep a job at the coffee shop, and one of my ‘friends’ suggested that I go with her to see a guy about a job. The guy was a ‘pimp’ and the job was ‘prostitution’. I was faced with the terrifying prospect of doing the unthinkable for money. And yet, at the time, I couldn’t see another way out of the mess I had created for myself. As I listened to this guy casually tell me everything that would be involved in this job, what my life would be like and how much money I could make – I heard a voice inside me strongly say:
“This is NOT who you are meant to be! You are meant for so much more!”
Even though I had given up on many of my dreams, friendships and family members, I wasn’t ready to give up on myself. In that moment, I decided to do whatever I had to do to re-build my life again, and find out what my ‘more’ was. I ran out of that pimp’s door, into an empty street in Soho, with no money and no plans – just a knowing – that I was meant for more.
And I was...
With God’s grace and some audacious determination – I went back to university and studied banking and finance.
I did the only thing I knew how to do; learn. I worked harder than I ever had in my entire life, and worked my way up to get an internship at a bank. I just said yes to every opportunity that came my way (and even learned how to code in addition to my banking and finance skills). I kept climbing the success ladder – and fulfilled a childhood dream of studying at Cambridge University getting my MBA, which catapulted my career.
I was chosen to take part in the global talent rotation program at a top company - and my high flying career just kept accelerating, with assignments in New York and several European locations, and a feature in industry press as one of the 30 brightest stars, and future leaders under 40 in the industry. It was incredible – for a while.
While I enjoyed my career, and I was good at it, I felt something was still missing.
Like many other women, my life was very much determined by my job, the demands of my manager and my success at work. Giving it all to my job was costing me my life – and at 31, I was hospitalised for stress – which left me burnt-out and depressed.
I discovered one of my first mentors that would change my life, and started my journey of personal development and transformation. I learned the keys to personal transformation and how to start really achieving in both my personal and professional life – not just one or the other. I started smashing my sales goals at work (increasing my attainment of targets from barely 10% to over 800%), I figured out how to have a life, and I met my soul-mate and moved from London to Norway to start our life together.
I had all the boxes ticked for myself this time:
☑️ High flying career,
☑️ soul-mate,
☑️ great life,
☑️ and in 2015, I had my beautiful daughter and went on maternity leave.
I felt I ‘should’ have been enjoying this blissful time but I was a mess – I was exhausted and lost myself in that first year of motherhood. I was again playing to the ‘perfect’ good girl story and it was keeping me in a prison of never feeling good enough. Even after ‘having it all’ by the world’s standard of success, I knew there still was more for me.
I prayed and searched and soon discovered my passion for, and powerful gift of coaching, and decided to start a certification and go head first into building a business that would grow to serve clients all over the world. I’d discovered the secrets of how to ‘have it all harmoniously’ and the impact that a purpose-driven life and career can have you on you, your family and the world around you.
Fast forward from then, my life looks COMPLETELY different. I followed my ‘more’ and it has taken me to different continents – I have impacted the lives of countless clients on 5 continents through my work, and now speak all around the world sharing my story. I have built a business that combines my love of coaching, leadership advisory speaking, motivation, training and philanthropy. I get to bring all of who I am to the women and companies I serve, while making a positive impact on those less fortunate in the world. We also welcomed my beautiful son into the family in 2019.
My journey has taught me that no matter where you come from, or what challenges you have faced – anything is possible, and everything is overcomeable!
I am here to tell you that every challenge and set back you have faced has shaped you, refined you and sculpted you so you can stand out like the real diamond you are – valuable, unique and created for a greater future.
It is my mission to awaken people to their true potential, stop them hiding behind excuses and perfection, and to take a stand for their ‘MORE’. Forget perfection, settling and ‘just being grateful’ for what you have.
Your greater future is available the moment you decide that you deserve to have it all, and are ready to get expert help to live life to your fullest potential. When you do, I’m here to guide you step, by step.
Here are the reasons you can depend on Maxine Nwaneri to help you accelerate to the next level in your career without burnout, guilt, and unnecessary sacrifice in your personal life:
- REPUTABLE – Maxine Nwaneri has been a respected leader in her field and community.
- EXPERIENCED – Our proudest accomplishment is the large number of long term clients who put their trust in us year after year.
- INTEGRITY – Building a reputation of integrity takes years, but it takes only a second to lose. We don’t believe in cutting corners. The foundation of our reputation is our commitment to do the right thing at all times, regardless of whether anyone is watching.
- RESOURCES – We offer a wide variety of development and training programs built on timeless principles that get results.
- CUSTOMIZABLE – All of our curriculum can be customized to specifically address your individual and organizational needs.
- 100% SATISFACTION GUARANTEE – We want you to be completely satisfied with our services. We will do whatever it takes to make you happy. No hassles, no problems.

Download your FREE GIFT NOW!
Believe - Anything is Possible!
"5 Keys to Accelerate Towards & Achieve Your Biggest Goals”
by Maxine Nwaneri
This report is one of Maxine Nwaneri's most popular publications available as a free download. In it you will discover:
- The hidden key to creating what seems impossible in your life
- How to achieve your biggest goals three times faster without stress or burnout!
- Finally, the secrets to “having it all” as a professional woman revealed!
What People Are Saying:

Nanouche Umeadi
"Before working with Maxine, I was struggling to get where I wanted to be career-wise. I had not really worked for 4-5 years due to looking after family, and other responsibilities, and was not sure whether my big dreams of tackling racial injustice were possible for me.
Maxine helped me work through the limited mindset and beliefs I had, and helped me with a step by step plan to reach massive goals that should have taken several years, in just a few months.
Today, I have a successful Diversity and Inclusion business, and have been elected as a Councillor in my local borough of Camden in London to help improve the lives of others in my community. Maxine helped me do all this in a way that prioritises my family and wellbeing too.
It’s so surreal, I can’t believe this is my life sometimes. If you are struggling with trying to get to the next level in your career in way that feels aligned to you and your purpose, I highly recommend working with Maxine."
"Before working with Maxine, I was struggling to find work life balance, and was unsure about whether ambitious goals I had in my career and personal life were possible for me to achieve simultaneously.
Maxine has helped me immensely! She worked with me in a clear and structured way. With her guidance I was able achieve incredible results with both my personal and professional goals at the same time. These included being promoted to Partner while I was on maternity leave with my daughter.
I feel happier and have more clarity on the path I am on. I am also glad I can be a role model to the hundreds of women I lead.
If you are looking to give your career a tremendous boost without sacrificing what you want for yourself in your personal life, I highly recommend working with Maxine."

Zara English

Tenth Revolution Group
Producers of the
Digital Revolution Awards
"Maxine Nwaneri of "The Future is Greater" is our three-time host of the annual Digital Revolution Awards ceremony, and wow, we couldn't have asked for a better host. The energy and charisma she brings to the show translates wonderfully across time zones, cultures, and devices.
We have received fantastic feedback from our senior staff, award stakeholders, and clients on her skills - the Digital Revolution Awards wouldn't be what they are without her involvement.
Josie Middleton Head of PR & Outreach – Tenth Revolution Group."
"Maxine from "The Future is Greater" delivered a phenomenal and highly customized workshop for Norvartis female associates to help tackle work life balance struggles. 100% of our colleagues who took the post event survey said they felt more engaged, and had received effective tools during the workshop to significantly improve their professional and personal lives.
We highly recommend Maxine & her team."

(Pharmaceutical Company)

Pinsent Masons
(Law Firm)
"The Future is Greater was invited to facilitate a live training session on "How To Have Both A Thriving Work & Family Life" in this challenging era where the COVID-19 pandemic has blurred lines between the two.
It was an incredibly inspiring, and highly rated session, which empowered 100% of attendees to solve their biggest challenge relating to this topic, according to their post event feedback. One colleague added - "This was well worth the hour of my time as it’s given me so much more time back!”
Thank you Maxine & Team!"
"Maxine Nwaneri was a fantastic host and session facilitator at our DiversityQ Virtual Talent Summit. She had incredible chemistry with everyone she interacted with and brought our vision to life magnificently for the global audience.
Maxine was meticulous with her preparation which led to her hitting all the key points flawlessly during the introductions and transition periods with a lot of energy, confidence and positivity. Thank you so much!"

(Media Company)

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